Posts tagged with: Samuel

Give Us A King Not A Prophet

7 July, Proper 9, AWL (A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church)   1 Samuel 8:1, 4–18; Psalm 72:1–4, 12–14, 18–19; 1 Timothy 2:1–6; John 6:14–20 Streamed 9:30 HST May the preached word draw us into the written word wherein all might encounter the living Word. Amen. How are these sacred ancestral texts to help us...... Read More

They Call Us Witches: The Not-A-Witch of Endor

They Call Us Witches: The Not-A-Witch of Endor  (the scriptures follow the sermon text) Author Gabriela Herstik once said, “Being a witch means living in this world consciously, powerfully, and unapologetically.” Let us pray: God whose ways are too wonderful for us to discern, whose presence in this wicked world shows up in unexpected places:...... Read More

Of God, Men, and Kings

  [Errata: Originally I confused Samuel’s sons with Eli’s. The manuscript is corrected below.] (Preached at the Schooler Institute on Preaching at the Methodist Theological School in Ohio) Let us pray: ברוכה את יה אלהינו לב העלם אשר שמה לב עלינו ושומעת קול לבינו רחמי עלינו וישמע קול דממה דקה Blessed are You, Yah our...... Read More

It Takes A Village: In the Shadow of David

Let us pray: Holy One of Old, open our eyes that we may see. Amen. The author of the book of Samuel wants you to know that good things come in small, or better, seemingly insignificant packages. David’s own father – Happy Father’s Day! –  overlooked him because he was the baby. Samuel wasn’t much...... Read More

If We Can’t See God Then Give Us a King: Incarnational Monarchy

It’s not you it’s me. That’s the stereotypical and clichéd way to break up with someone. But what happens in the book of Samuel (and it’s a single book in Hebrew) is even tackier: The one partner (Israel) won’t talk to the other partner (God) and tells a third party (Samuel) that it’s time to...... Read More