All posts by: Wil

Sonya Massey’s Rebuke

“I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.” ~ *the last words of Sonya Massey Every person raised in a certain kind of black church knows the power and gravity of those words. Those are the words to be said when facing the evil that has walked in your door and will soon take your...... Read More

How Long O Lord is a Womanish Question

21 July: Proper 11, A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church Ruth 1:1–14; Psalm 80:1–7; 1 Thessalonians 5:12–24; Mark 12:41–44Let us pray: May God who is Majesty, Mercy and Mystery speak words of life, hope and healing through these words. Amen.   How long O Lord?! The cry of the psalmist is the cry of...... Read More

Let It Go Girl: Of Camels and Hearts

Proper 10 AWL (A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church), Year B: Esther 1:1–11; Psalm 49:5–15; James 5:1–6; Mark 10:17–31 Sermon starts around 28:40.  Aloha kakahiaka! Good morning. Let us pray: May God who is Majesty, Mercy, and Mystery speak words of life, love, and liberation through these words. Amen. We are continuing in the...... Read More

Give Us A King Not A Prophet

7 July, Proper 9, AWL (A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church)   1 Samuel 8:1, 4–18; Psalm 72:1–4, 12–14, 18–19; 1 Timothy 2:1–6; John 6:14–20 Streamed 9:30 HST May the preached word draw us into the written word wherein all might encounter the living Word. Amen. How are these sacred ancestral texts to help us...... Read More

Jesus, Jeremiah and Joan of Arc

  Let us pray: In the Name of the Author, the Word and the Translator. Amen. I’m not who you think I am. You celebrate me now. But I remember when you didn’t. I know where I came from and you never let me forget it. I hear my family’s shame every time you call...... Read More

Between “Fix it Jesus” and “Stay Woke”

  Let us pray: Holy One of Old, open our eyes that we may see. Amen. Readings like these are why I felt called and compelled to create A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church. Here we are at the dawn of the season marking the Advent – first and, soon come – of a...... Read More

The King Is Dead All Hail the Queen

A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church Year A Proper 25: 1 Kings 1:1–5, 11–18, 29–31; Psalm 61; James 5:1–6; Matthew 6:19–27   Sermon begins at 46 minutes Let us pray: My prayer is Miriam’s prayer, Mother Mary’s prayer – Let it be. Let it be with your woman-servant according to your word. With these...... Read More

They Call Us Witches: The Not-A-Witch of Endor

They Call Us Witches: The Not-A-Witch of Endor  (the scriptures follow the sermon text) Author Gabriela Herstik once said, “Being a witch means living in this world consciously, powerfully, and unapologetically.” Let us pray: God whose ways are too wonderful for us to discern, whose presence in this wicked world shows up in unexpected places:...... Read More

Saving Joseph and All the Other Queer Kids

  May God who is Majesty, Mercy, and Mystery speak words of life, love, and liberation through these words. Amen. Today’s readings press the claim that God saves. God saved Joseph from certain death in the first lesson through his older brother Ruben. The psalm celebrates the God who saves and dramatically retells a bit...... Read More

Readings for Proper 14 RCL Year A

On Sunday (13 August 2023) I will preach from these readings at Trinity Episcopal Church. I offer my translations for those of you also preparing sermons. You may cite them with attribution to me, published under my trademark: Womanists Wading in the Word™.    Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28 Genesis 37:1 Now Jacob settled in the land...... Read More