Posts tagged with: Ruth

How Long O Lord is a Womanish Question

21 July: Proper 11, A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church Ruth 1:1–14; Psalm 80:1–7; 1 Thessalonians 5:12–24; Mark 12:41–44Let us pray: May God who is Majesty, Mercy and Mystery speak words of life, hope and healing through these words. Amen.   How long O Lord?! The cry of the psalmist is the cry of...... Read More

Yeshua ben Miryam, the Son of Woman

This Epiphany as we reflect on the ways in which Jesus the Messiah is revealed I celebrate that his life giving Body and Blood were consubstantiated in the Virgin’s womb and that he is Son of God, Son of Woman and Child of Earth. While hailed as the Son of David, Jesus is also the...... Read More